The most effective and emotional Yom HaShoah ceremony I´ve attended in recent years was held in the Ashkenazi Synagogue of Istanbul on Monday night. Jilda Abravay and Igal Mevorah´s presentations, Sarah Chitrik´s music, and the speech made by Dr. Mehmet Ali Tuğtan of Bilgi University left their marks on this significant ceremony. In the ceremony held in the Ashkenazi Synagogue on Monday, April 17th, 6 million Holocaust (Shoah) victims of whom 1.5 million were children were commemorated. On this significant day fully titled Yom Hashoah Ve-Hagevurah (Holocaust and Heroism Remembrance Day), Jews who had lost their lives during the Holocaust as well as the heroes who had resisted the Nazis and the horrible end awaiting them, through the Warsaw ghetto uprising were commemorated. The ceremony began with Jilda Abravay and Igal Mevorah introducing six people who were Holocaust victims, survivors, or heroes. Following the telling of the life stories of Wolf Dormanshkin, Roza Robota, Ellie Wiese...